Relations Internationales et Géopolitique
L’approche française de la diplomatie culturelle mondiale
Introduction À l’ère de la mondialisation et dans un contexte international marqué par une compétition accrue entre les puissances mondiales,
Exterior Artificial Pancreas Project
Artificial Pancreas Presentation and Analysis The pump size exterior artificial pancreas (Fig-1), uses one sensor (the sensor is one material
Bronchoscopy: A not-so-innocent invasive examination
Introduction Very easily, mainly after a CT scan, a PET/CT has appeared in our lives to improve the quality of
Research Report About IOT Security
1. INTRODUCTION There is a significant increase in the use of IoT in various sectors, the use of IoT has
Affaires et Management
The “Solid ice” deflation and the next recession
A citizen weighing 100 kilograms can carry 10 kilograms in harmony and ease, but if we assume the contrary, that