To govern means to direct and control the actions, policies and functions of an organization, village or nation. Government exercises
Dr. Bassel Hassan Hajjar is a Modern History and Geopolitics Professor at many Lebanese universities. His research areas are:
He holds a PhD degree in Modern History from the Lebanese university. Master’s in modern history from the Lebanese university, bachelor’s in modern history from the Lebanese university, Bachelor in law from the faculty of law and political and administrative sciences from the Lebanese university, Bachelor in military studies from the Military Academy, Master2 in security from Jean Moulin university, Lyon, France, and diploma in military police from Fort Leonard wood-Missouri-USA.
Supervised many master’s degrees in modern history and geopolitics and international relations. And he is a Member at the Joint Administration Board of the master’s degree in Strategic Studies-Faculty of Law and Political and Administrative Sciences – Lebanese University. He is a member of the Lebanese observatory for international and strategic relations. He is also a member of the committee for writing the military history of the Lebanese army and the reformulation of the unified Arab military history.
He has many articles and scientific studies published in Arabic, French and English in the fields of international relations, History and Geopolitics. Also, He participates periodically in preparing and delivering lectures in conferences and workshops specialized in the field of international relations, geopolitics, and contemporary and modern history.
To govern means to direct and control the actions, policies and functions of an organization, village or nation. Government exercises